Early Numeracy Intervention Grade 1
Study: Bryant et al. (2011)
The Early Numeracy Interventions (ENI) program was developed to provide teachers with evidence-based instructional materials for teaching students who struggle with primary level numeracy concepts and procedures, while applying these skills to mathematics problem solving. The ENI program provides instructional materials designed to remediate and strengthen numerical competence for students who need supplemental, intensive, ongoing mathematics instruction. The targeted program concepts and procedures were identified based upon our investigations with students in the primary grades, and discussions with teachers, curriculum specialists, and content experts.
- Target Grades:
- 1
- Target Populations:
- Students with disabilities only
- Students with learning disabilities
- Students with intellectual disabilities
- Students with emotional or behavioral disabilities
- English language learners
- Any student at risk for academic failure
- Area(s) of Focus:
- Comprehensive: Includes computation/procedures, problem solving, and mathematical concepts
- Other: lessons that also focus on developing early number sense
- Where to Obtain:
- Psycho-Educational Services
- 5114 Balcones Woods Dr. Suite 307-163 Austin, TX 78759
- 512-699-9381
- psy-educational.com
- Initial Cost:
- $189.00 per teacher
- Replacement Cost:
- Free
The kit includes a spiral boundTeacher’s Manual (11 units, 8 lessons per unit) and CD-ROM, which contains the Teacher Booklet, Student Booklet, Unit Checks for 11 units;
- Staff Qualified to Administer Include:
- Special Education Teacher
- General Education Teacher
- Reading Specialist
- Math Specialist
- EL Specialist
- Interventionist
- Student Support Services Personnel (e.g., counselor, social worker, school psychologist, etc.)
- Paraprofessional
- Other:
- Training Requirements:
- Less than 1 hour of training
Instructor training will consist of instructions in the training manual. The components of the program and specific features of the intervention will be discussed. A video demonstrating how tutors used the materials will also be available on the website.
Identified students with mathematics difficulties were in the tutoring groups thus the materials have been tested with the target student population.
- Access to Technical Support:
- They will be able to access information about the program through Psycho-educational services website. The President and Chief Executive Officer of the company will answer questions.
- Recommended Administration Formats Include:
- Small group of students
- Minimum Number of Minutes Per Session:
- 25
- Minimum Number of Sessions Per Week:
- 3
- Minimum Number of Weeks:
- 19
- Detailed Implementation Manual or Instructions Available:
- Yes
- Is Technology Required?
- Computer or tablet
Program Information
Descriptive Information
Please provide a description of program, including intended use:
The Early Numeracy Interventions (ENI) program was developed to provide teachers with evidence-based instructional materials for teaching students who struggle with primary level numeracy concepts and procedures, while applying these skills to mathematics problem solving. The ENI program provides instructional materials designed to remediate and strengthen numerical competence for students who need supplemental, intensive, ongoing mathematics instruction. The targeted program concepts and procedures were identified based upon our investigations with students in the primary grades, and discussions with teachers, curriculum specialists, and content experts.
The program is intended for use in the following age(s) and/or grade(s).

The program is intended for use with the following groups.

If other, please describe:
ACADEMIC INTERVENTION: Please indicate the academic area of focus.
Early Literacy

If other, please describe:

If other, please describe:

If other, please describe:

If other, please describe:
lessons that also focus on developing early number sense

If other, please describe:
BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION: Please indicate the behavior area of focus.
Externalizing Behavior

If other, please describe:
Internalizing Behavior

If other, please describe:
Acquisition and cost information
Where to obtain:
- Address
- 5114 Balcones Woods Dr. Suite 307-163 Austin, TX 78759
- Phone Number
- 512-699-9381
- Website
- psy-educational.com
Initial cost for implementing program:
- Cost
- $189.00
- Unit of cost
- teacher
Replacement cost per unit for subsequent use:
- Cost
- $0.00
- Unit of cost
- Duration of license
Additional cost information:
Describe basic pricing plan and structure of the program. Also, provide information on what is included in the published program, as well as what is not included but required for implementation (e.g., computer and/or internet access)
The kit includes a spiral boundTeacher’s Manual (11 units, 8 lessons per unit) and CD-ROM, which contains the Teacher Booklet, Student Booklet, Unit Checks for 11 units;Program Specifications
Setting for which the program is designed.

If group-delivered, how many students compose a small group?
4-5Program administration time
- Minimum number of minutes per session
- 25
- Minimum number of sessions per week
- 3
- Minimum number of weeks
- 19

- If intervention program is intended to occur over less frequently than 60 minutes a week for approximately 8 weeks, justify the level of intensity:
Does the program include highly specified teacher manuals or step by step instructions for implementation?- Yes
BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION: Is the program affiliated with a broad school- or class-wide management program?-
If yes, please identify and describe the broader school- or class-wide management program: -
Does the program require technology? - Yes
If yes, what technology is required to implement your program? -
Computer or tablet
Internet connection
Other technology (please specify)
If your program requires additional technology not listed above, please describe the required technology and the extent to which it is combined with teacher small-group instruction/intervention:
- How many people are needed to implement the program ?
Is training for the instructor or interventionist required?- Yes
- If yes, is the necessary training free or at-cost?
Describe the time required for instructor or interventionist training:- Less than 1 hour of training
Describe the format and content of the instructor or interventionist training:- Instructor training will consist of instructions in the training manual. The components of the program and specific features of the intervention will be discussed. A video demonstrating how tutors used the materials will also be available on the website.
What types or professionals are qualified to administer your program?

If other, please describe:
- Does the program assume that the instructor or interventionist has expertise in a given area?
If yes, please describe:
Are training manuals and materials available?- Yes
Describe how the training manuals or materials were field-tested with the target population of instructors or interventionist and students: - Identified students with mathematics difficulties were in the tutoring groups thus the materials have been tested with the target student population.
Do you provide fidelity of implementation guidance such as a checklist for implementation in your manual?- Yes
Can practitioners obtain ongoing professional and technical support? -
If yes, please specify where/how practitioners can obtain support:
They will be able to access information about the program through Psycho-educational services website. The President and Chief Executive Officer of the company will answer questions.
Summary of Evidence Base
- Please identify, to the best of your knowledge, all the research studies that have been conducted to date supporting the efficacy of your program, including studies currently or previously submitted to NCII for review. Please provide citations only (in APA format); do not include any descriptive information on these studies. NCII staff will also conduct a search to confirm that the list you provide is accurate.
Bryant, D. P., Bryant, B. R., Roberts, G., Vaughn, S., Hughes, K., Porterfield, J., & Gersten, R. (2011). Effects of an early numeracy intervention on the performance of first-grade students with mathematics difficulties. Exceptional Children, 78(1), 7-23.
Study Information
Study Citations
Bryant, D. P., Bryant, B. R., Roberts, G., Vaughn, S., Hughes, K., Porterfield, J. & Gersten, R. (2011). Effects of an Early Numeracy Intervention on the Performance of First-Grade Students With Mathematics Difficulties . Exceptional Children, 78(1) 7-23.
- Describe how students were selected to participate in the study:
- All students in first grade in 10 elementary schools in the same school district who had parent consent and assent were selected to participate in the study.
- Describe how students were identified as being at risk for academic failure (AI) or as having emotional or behavioral difficulties (BI):
- Two main considerations drove sample selection: (a) maintaining sufficient power and (b) reliably assessing risk. Of the initial pool of students (N = 771), the lowest 35% (n = 269) was identified as being “at-risk” based on an initial administration of the Texas Early Mathematics Inventories-Progress Monitoring measures (TEMI-PM; University of Texas System & Texas Education Agency, 2007a; refer to the Measures for further details about this test) in the fall (September). Students were administered four additional TEMI-PM probes (alternate forms of the original measure used for student selection) over a 3-week period to determine whether there were false positives among the initial pool of students. False positives are a particular concern given the generally “chaotic” nature of early achievement and the increased possibility of falsely identifying students as being “at-risk” when they were merely distracted, anxious, or unfamiliar with the testing protocols. Growth modeling (with continuous outcomes and auto-correlated residuals) was used to estimate case-level factor scores for intercept and slope for each of the 238 cases using PLUS 4.1 (preliminary analyses suggested a statistically significant positive trend in scores over time, on average thus, a growth model approach was preferred over a confirmatory factor model). Intercept was conceptualized as the last of the four additional TEMI-PM measures (beyond the TEMI-PM used to initially identify the lowest 35%). Estimated time 4 scores were used to make final sample selection. The cut score was selected based on the probabilities of diagnostic accuracy (i.e., likelihood ratio [LR]) derived using receiver operator curve (ROC) analysis. Using this procedure, 14 students were found to be false positives and were eliminated from the sample. A concern with accuracy and the need to maintain an adequate sample size both influenced our sampling strategy. Preliminary power analyses suggested a sample size of 240, with 160 in the treatment condition and 80 in the comparison group. The initial pool of eligible students was only 238, so our strategy was to identify students who clearly were not at risk, based on their estimated score at time 4 and a very conservative risk threshold (LR: negative of 0.70). The final sample (n = 224:151 treatment and 73 control) identified for treatment and control conditions was associated with a minimal detectable effect size of approximately 0.40, assuming 0.80 power and 45 instructional groups with five students in each group.
ACADEMIC INTERVENTION: What percentage of participants were at risk, as measured by one or more of the following criteria:
- below the 30th percentile on local or national norm, or
- identified disability related to the focus of the intervention?
- %
BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION: What percentage of participants were at risk, as measured by one or more of the following criteria:
- emotional disability label,
- placed in an alternative school/classroom,
- non-responsive to Tiers 1 and 2, or
- designation of severe problem behaviors on a validated scale or through observation?
- %
- Specify which condition is the submitted intervention:
- Early Numeracy Intervention Grade 1
- Specify which condition is the control condition:
- If you have a third, competing condition, in addition to your control and intervention condition, identify what the competing condition is (data from this competing condition will not be used):
Using the tables that follow, provide data demonstrating comparability of the program group and control group in terms of demographics.
Grade Level
Demographic | Program Number |
Control Number |
Effect Size: Cox Index for Binary Differences |
Age less than 1 | |||
Age 1 | |||
Age 2 | |||
Age 3 | |||
Age 4 | |||
Age 5 | |||
Kindergarten | |||
Grade 1 | 100.0% | 100.0% | 0.00 |
Grade 2 | |||
Grade 3 | |||
Grade 4 | |||
Grade 5 | |||
Grade 6 | |||
Grade 7 | |||
Grade 8 | |||
Grade 9 | |||
Grade 10 | |||
Grade 11 | |||
Grade 12 |
Demographic | Program Number |
Control Number |
Effect Size: Cox Index for Binary Differences |
African American | |||
American Indian | |||
Asian/Pacific Islander | |||
Hispanic | |||
White | |||
Other |
Socioeconomic Status
Demographic | Program Number |
Control Number |
Effect Size: Cox Index for Binary Differences |
Subsidized Lunch | |||
No Subsidized Lunch |
Disability Status
Demographic | Program Number |
Control Number |
Effect Size: Cox Index for Binary Differences |
Speech-Language Impairments | |||
Learning Disabilities | |||
Behavior Disorders | |||
Emotional Disturbance | |||
Intellectual Disabilities | |||
Other | |||
Not Identified With a Disability | 100.0% | 100.0% | 0.00 |
ELL Status
Demographic | Program Number |
Control Number |
Effect Size: Cox Index for Binary Differences |
English Language Learner | |||
Not English Language Learner |
Demographic | Program Number |
Control Number |
Effect Size: Cox Index for Binary Differences |
Female | |||
Male |
Mean Effect Size
For any substantively (e.g., effect size ≥ 0.25 for pretest or demographic differences) or statistically significant (e.g., p < 0.05) pretest differences between groups in the descriptions below, please describe the extent to which these differences are related to the impact of the treatment. For example, if analyses were conducted to determine that outcomes from this study are due to the intervention and not demographic characteristics, please describe the results of those analyses here.
- What method was used to determine students' placement in treatment/control groups?
- Random
- Please describe the assignment method or the process for defining treatment/comparison groups.
- Simple random assignment of students to condition was completed using a random number generator in Statistical Analysis Software.
What was the unit of assignment? - Students
- If other, please specify:
Please describe the unit of assignment: -
What unit(s) were used for primary data analysis? -
If other, please specify:
Please describe the unit(s) used for primary data analysis:
Fidelity of Implementation
- How was the program delivered?
Small Group
If small group, answer the following:
- Average group size
- 4
- Minimum group size
- 4
- Maximum group size
- 5
What was the duration of the intervention (If duration differed across participants, settings, or behaviors, describe for each.)?
- Weeks
- 19.00
- Sessions per week
- 4.00
- Duration of sessions in minutes
- 28.00
- What were the background, experience, training, and ongoing support of the instructors or interventionists?
- The research team included two full- time intervention coordinators and five graduate research assistants (GRAs) who were doctoral and master’s students in the Department of Special Education; all of the GRAs held teaching credentials or were completing a teaching certification program. This research team was also responsible for conducting the intervention. At the beginning of the academic year, the principal investigator provided a 3-hour training on the intervention lessons and accompanying instructional materials. This training consisted of an explanation of the content and review and modeling of systematic instruction. Following this training, the research team practiced the lessons with one another. Prior to intervention, the tutors taught a lesson and received feedback from experienced tutors who were using the same lessons with a group of students. Throughout the school year, training sessions were conducted before each intervention unit (seven total sessions). Tutors were visited weekly and team meetings were held to solve issues.
- Describe when and how fidelity of treatment information was obtained.
- Each tutor was observed by research staff for three sessions during the 19-week intervention to assess the quality (i.e., fidelity) of specific implementation performance indicators. Quality of Implementation (QoI) indicators included the degree to which tutors (a) followed the scripted lessons (e.g., modeling, guided practice, independent practice); (b) implemented the features of explicit, systematic instruction (e.g., pacing, error correction); (c) managed student behavior (e.g., use of reinforcers and redirection); and (d) managed the lesson (e.g., use of timer, smooth transitions between booster lessons).
- What were the results on the fidelity-of-treatment implementation measure?
- Performance indicators were rated on a 0-to-3 point scale, in which 0 = Not at All, 1 = Rarely, 2 = Some of the Time, and 3 = Most of the Time. Results were shared with the tutors and areas in need of further training and recommendations for improved performance were discussed. Results on the QoI showed average ratings exceeding 2.5 in all areas, with no single rating of <2.0. The majority of ratings were 3.0. These results across tutors show that there was a high degree of fidelity in the implementation of the booster lessons.
- Was the fidelity measure also used in control classrooms?
- Yes
Measures and Results

Measures Broader :

Targeted Measure | Reverse Coded? | Reliability | Relevance | Exposure |
Broader Measure | Reverse Coded? | Reliability | Relevance | Exposure |
Administrative Data Measure | Reverse Coded? | Relevance |
Effect Size
Effect size represents the how much performance changed because of the intervention. The larger the effect size, the greater the impact participating in the intervention had.
According to guidelines from the What Works Clearinghouse, an effect size of 0.25 or greater is “substantively important.” Additionally, effect sizes that are statistically significant are more trustworthy than effect sizes of the same magnitude that are not statistically significant.
Effect Size Dial
The purpose of the effect size dial is to help users understand the strength of a tool relative to other tools on the Tools Chart.
- The range represents where most effect sizes fall within reading or math based on effect sizes from tools on the Tools Chart.
- The orange pointer shows the average effect size for this study.
Targeted Measures (Full Sample)
Average Math Effect Size
Measure | Sample Type | Effect Size |
Average across all targeted measures | Full Sample | 0.46* |
* = p ≤ 0.05; † = Vendor did not provide necessary data for NCII to calculate effect sizes. |
Broader Measures (Full Sample)
Average Math Effect Size
Measure | Sample Type | Effect Size |
Average across all broader measures | Full Sample | 0.23* |
* = p ≤ 0.05; † = Vendor did not provide necessary data for NCII to calculate effect sizes. |
Administrative Measures (Full Sample)
Measure | Sample Type | Effect Size |
Average across all admin measures | Full Sample | -- |
* = p ≤ 0.05; † = Vendor did not provide necessary data for NCII to calculate effect sizes. |
Targeted Measures (Subgroups)
Measure | Sample Type | Effect Size |
* = p ≤ 0.05; † = Vendor did not provide necessary data for NCII to calculate effect sizes. |
Broader Measures (Subgroups)
Measure | Sample Type | Effect Size |
* = p ≤ 0.05; † = Vendor did not provide necessary data for NCII to calculate effect sizes. |
Administrative Measures (Subgroups)
Measure | Sample Type | Effect Size |
* = p ≤ 0.05; † = Vendor did not provide necessary data for NCII to calculate effect sizes. |
- For any substantively (e.g., effect size ≥ 0.25 for pretest or demographic differences) or statistically significant (e.g., p < 0.05) pretest differences, please describe the extent to which these differences are related to the impact of the treatment. For example, if analyses were conducted to determine that outcomes from this study are due to the intervention and not pretest characteristics, please describe the results of those analyses here.
- Please explain any missing data or instances of measures with incomplete pre- or post-test data.
- If you have excluded a variable or data that are reported in the study being submitted, explain the rationale for exclusion:
- Describe the analyses used to determine whether the intervention produced changes in student outcomes:
- A series of analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) with the TEMI-PM Fall Total Score as the covariate was used to evaluate statistical differences between groups and to maximize power of the design. The increased Type I error rate associated with multiple comparisons was addressed using the Benjamani-Hochberg (1995) correction, which controls for false discovery rate. Two procedures were conducted, one to evaluate statistical significance of the eight non-composite scores (i.e., TEMI-PM: MC, NS, PV, and ASC; SAT-10: MPS and MP; TEMI-O: computation and problem solving) and the other to evaluate group difference on the composite scores of the TEMI-PM Total Score, TEMI-O Total Score, and SAT-10 Total Score (because composite scores are the sum of two or more non-composite measures, the procedures were separated to maintain independence of observations). Benjamani-Hochberg does not produce a new p-value. Instead, it indicates whether a given finding is significant at the specified level after correcting for multiple comparisons according to pi’= i/M, where i is the rank of pi, the original p-value, M is the total number of findings within the domain, and is the target p-value. Assumptions regarding homogeneity of regression were evaluated for all outcomes. There were no violations. We calculated Hedges g (g*) for small sample sizes using the covariate adjusted posttest mean difference standardized with unadjusted pooled with-in groups standard deviation (Hedges & Olkin, 1985).
Additional Research
- Is the program reviewed by WWC or E-ESSA?
- No
- Summary of WWC / E-ESSA Findings :
What Works Clearinghouse Review
This program was not reviewed by What Works Clearinghouse.
Evidence for ESSA
This program was not reviewed by Evidence for ESSA.
- How many additional research studies are potentially eligible for NCII review?
- 0
- Citations for Additional Research Studies :
Data Collection Practices
Most tools and programs evaluated by the NCII are branded products which have been submitted by the companies, organizations, or individuals that disseminate these products. These entities supply the textual information shown above, but not the ratings accompanying the text. NCII administrators and members of our Technical Review Committees have reviewed the content on this page, but NCII cannot guarantee that this information is free from error or reflective of recent changes to the product. Tools and programs have the opportunity to be updated annually or upon request.