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Behavior Screening Tools Chart

This tools chart has three tabs that include ratings on the technical rigor of the tools: (1) Classification Accuracy, (2) Technical Standards, and (3) Usability Features.

Why is there only one tool on this chart? The chart only includes tools for which evidence has been submitted and reviewed. It does not reflect all tools in the fields or all "high-quality" or "validated" tools—inclusion on the chart does not indicate approval or endorsement. If you are interested in submitting a tool for review, learn more about our continually open call for submissions.

The presence of a particular tool on the chart does not constitute endorsement and should not be viewed as a recommendation. All tools that meet the criteria for review are posted on the chart, regardless of results. The chart represents all tools that were reviewed, not those that were “approved.”

Interested in using office discipline referrals (ODRs) to screen for students who may require behavioral intervention? In this brief, NCII and the Center on PBIS provide considerations for using ODRs for behavioral screening.

Last updated: June 2020.

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Full BubbleConvincing evidence
Half BubblePartially convincing evidence
Empty BubbleUnconvincing evidence
Null BubbleData unavailable
dDisaggregated data available


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All Title Area Age/Grade Informant Classification Accuracy Fall Classification Accuracy Winter Classification Accuracy Spring Reliability Validity Sample Representativeness Bias Analysis Admin Format Admin &
Scoring Time
Scoring Format Types of Decision Rules Evidence Available for Multiple Decision Rules Usability Study Conducted
FAST™ Social, Academic, & Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) Grades K-5 Teacher Convincing evidence Convincing evidence Convincing evidence Convincing evidence Convincing evidence Local with Cross-Validation Provided Individual
2 minutes Manual and/or Automatic None No No

The National Center on Intensive Intervention publishes this chart to assist educators and families in becoming informed consumers who can select behavior screening tools that best meet their individual needs.

The Center's Technical Review Committee (TRC) on Behavior Screening independently established a set of criteria for evaluating the technical adequacy of behavior screening tools. The TRC rated each submitted tool against these criteria but did not compare it to other tools on the chart. The presence of a particular tool on the chart does not constitute endorsement and should not be viewed as a recommendation from either the TRC on Behavior Screening or the National Center on Intensive Intervention.